Duke Center for Health Informatics: Examination of Negligent Design in Healthcare Technology

September 6, 2023
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Event sponsored by:

School of Medicine (SOM)
Duke Center for Health Informatics


Johnstone, Jessica



Linda Harrington, PhD, DNP, RN-BC, UXC, FHIMSS, FAMIA
Seminar Abstract: Negligent design is a legal theory stating that a product was designed in such a way it could foreseeably lead to injury. This presentation examines two actual legal cases, a civil and a criminal case, both involving healthcare technologies. Participants will be provided with evidence on the design of technology in each case and asked to determine which case involved negligent design. Instructor Biosketch: Linda Harrington is nationally known for her distinguished achievements in informatics. While maintaining an informatics practice, she has contributed to advancing the practice, policy, and science of healthcare technology design and usability. For her achievements and contributions, she has been recognized with honors and awards including as a Fellow of the Healthcare Information and Systems Management Society, Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association, and AMIA Leadership Award. Linda has also held executive leadership roles with responsibilities for informatics in large healthcare systems as Vice President for Advancing Nursing Practice at Baylor Health Care System and Vice President, Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at Catholic Health Initiatives. She has also taught informatics as a Professor at Baylor College of Medicine, as a Consulting Associate in the DNP program at Duke University, and adjunct faculty at Texas Christian University. Her current research involves the design and usability of health apps with a focus on changing health behaviors. She is a prolific author, serving as the Technology Today editor for the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses' AACN Advanced Critical Care journal for the last 10 years, and is Co-chair of the current edition of the American Nurses Association's Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice. Linda was formally educated in nursing informatics at Duke University and is board certified in nursing informatics as well as user experience certified with a specialty in interaction design. Zoom Meeting link: https://duke.zoom.us/j/92005527024?pwd=azFIZmlNdVJiOVVjN0djNWRiT0wzdz09 Meeting number (access code) 920 0552 7024, Meeting password: 128631

Informatics Research Seminars