CTSI Funding Program FAQs

What is the proposal review process? 

A panel of reviewers is selected for each funding opportunity to review and score applications. Selected programs have a multi-stage review process. For example, finalists for the Translational Accelerator Research Funding Agreement ($125k) are invited to an Oral Presentations session with the review panel to address questions raised during the initial review. For all programs, the review panel makes funding recommendations to the Duke CTSI Pilot Program Leadership.

How do I submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) and application?

Letters of Intent (LOI) and applications are submitted via the MyResearchProposal online submission system. Create a new user account, or log in if you already have an account. Click here for a step-by-step user’s guide for the MyResearchProposal software.

Each award is assigned an access code and has a unique application form and submission instructions. Additional details are available by clicking the link for each one from the main CTSI pilot funding page.

Do I need to route my proposal through Duke Sponsored Projects System (SPS) for approval prior to submission?

No. It is sufficient to submit a budget that has not been routed through SPS for the full approval process.  If a project is selected for funding, the Duke CTSA grant manager will create the SPS record and route for approval by the department and Research Integrity Office.  The voucher program is an exception; voucher program budgets are not routed through SPS. The budgets for the awarded pilot projects only require departmental review and approval; they are not routed ORA.

I just missed the application deadline; may I have an extension?

No, applications deadlines are firm.

Who should I contact if I have questions? 

Please contact the CTSI Pilot Program Office at ctsifunding@duke.edu.