Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), the academic home of the National Institutes of Health’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) pilot funding programs at Duke University, has partnered with North Carolina Central University (NCCU) to support inter-institutional collaborative research projects.
This pilot program is designed to facilitate novel clinical, population, and translational research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical or population settings. Projects must demonstrate stakeholder engagement and a high translational potential with a clear path for continued development to move into clinical practice, generate new clinical guidelines, or other applications via subsequent grant support, new company formation, licensing, not-for-profit partnering, an evidence base that changes practice or other channels.
Duke CTSI and NCCU are interested in the following types of translational research projects:
- Projects developing new collaborative science teams with investigators from both Duke and NCCU.
- Development and/or evaluation of the evidence base that changes clinical practice.
- Research that investigates how practice improves health policy, health outcomes, and the health of populations.
Potential areas of concentration are listed below; however, collaborations are not limited to these specified areas.
- Community-based research
- Clinical
- Behavioral health
Need help identifying potential collaborators at NCCU? Consult this list of investigators and their research interests. (Note: This is not comprehensive, and collaborations are not limited to investigators on this list.)
Learn about Phenotypic Screening facilities at NCCU.
Proposed projects must involve a lead investigator from Duke and a lead investigator from NCCU. Proposals are encouraged from new teams of investigators from different disciplines. Applicants at each institution must have principal investigator status per the specific institution’s written policy.
The research activities at each participating institution will be funded by Duke CTSI, which will fund up to $50,000 per award.
The Duke-NCCU awards are not meant as bridge funding or as supplementary funding for existing projects. Requests for no-cost extensions will not be approved.
How to Apply
Proposal is submitted via Duke’s MyResearchProposal online submission system.
Leadership and Contact
For additional information on this funding opportunity, please email CTSIfunding@duke.edu.
The Duke-NCCU Collaborative Translational Research Awards are led by Janet Bettger, D.Sc., of Duke University School of Medicine, and Deepak Kumar, PhD, of North Carolina Central University.
Past Funded Projects
July 2019-June 2020
Impact of disproportionate minority contact (DMC) and race-related stressors on mental health and well-being of rural African-American Transition-Age Youth (AA-TAY)
Duke PI: Ann Brewster
NCCU PI: Lorraine Taylor
Heart Healthy U: A multimedia campaign pilot study to promote heart healthy behaviors among college students
Duke PI: Helene Vilme, MPH, DrPH
NCCU PI: LaShawn Wordlaw, PhD
Characterization of genomic determinants for disparities in African-American patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
Duke PI: Jennifer Freedman, PhD
NCCU PI: Kevin Williams, PhD
January-December 2019
Engineering smart injectable drug delivery theranostics for uterine fibroids
Duke PI: Frederike Jayes, DVM, PhD
NCCU PI: Darlene Taylor, PhD
Identification of existing drugs and drug combinations that are synthetic lethal for PTEN-deficient cancer cells
Duke PI: Kris Wood, PhD
NCCU PI: John Scott, PhD
SPLUNC1 mediated myoepithelial cell calcium signaling in airway regeneration and asthma
Duke PI: Purushothama Rao Tata, PhD
NCCU PI: Tongde Wu, PhD