- Summer R, Todd JL, Neely ML, Lobo LJ, Namen A, Newby LK, Shafazand S, Suliman S, Hesslinger C, Keller S, Leonard TB, Palmer SM, Ilkayeva O, Muehlbauer MJ, Newgard CB, Roman J; Circulating metabolic profile in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: data from the IPF-PRO Registry Respiratory Research, 25 Jan 2024
- Pourafshar S, Sharma B, Allen J, Hoang M, Lee H, Dressman H, Tyson CC, Mallawaarachchi I, Kumar P, Ma JZ, Lin PH, Scialla JJ; Longitudinal Pilot Evaluation of the Gut Microbiota Comparing Patients with and without Chronic Kidney Disease Journal of Renal Nutrition, 27 Jan 2024
- Shah NP, Lu R, Haddad F, Shore S, Schaack T, Mega J, Pagidipati NJ, Palaniappan L, Mahaffey K, Shah SH, Rodriguez F, Project Baseline Health Study Group; Relationship between body mass index and cardiometabolic health in a multi-ethnic population: A Project Baseline Health Study American Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 16 March 2024
- Shin S, Kowahl N, Hansen T, Ling AY, Barman P, Cauwenberghs N, Rainaldi E, Short S, Dunn J, Shandhi MMH, Shah SH, Mahaffey KW, Kuznetsova T, Daubert MA, Douglas PS, Haddad F, Kapur R; Real-world walking behaviors are associated with early-stage heart failure: a Project Baseline Health Study Journal of Cardiac Failure, 03 April 2024
- Taylor KA, Carroll MK, Short SA, Goode AP; Identifying characteristics and clinical conditions associated with hand grip strength in adults: the Project Baseline Health Study Scientific Reports, 18 April 2024
- Nystrom SE, Soldano KL, Rockett M, Datta S, Li G, Silas D, Garrett ME, Ashley-Koch AE, Olabisi OA; APOL1 High-Risk Genotype is Not Associated With New or Worsening of Proteinuria or Kidney Function Decline Following COVID-19 Vaccination Kidney International Reports, 20 June 2024
- Burke CA, Taylor KA, Fillipo R, George SZ , Kapos FP, Danyluk ST, Kingsbury CA, Seebeck K, Lewis CE, Ford E, Plez C, Kosinski AS, Brown MC, Goode AP; Characterizing Acute Low Back Pain in a Community-Based Cohort: Results from a Feasibility Cohort Study Journal of Pain Research, 20 Sept 2024
- Burke CA, Fillipo R, George SZ, Kapos FP, Kosinski AS, Ford E, Danyluk ST, Kingsbury CA, Seebeck K, Lewis CE, Plez C, Brown MC, Goode AP; Transition from Acute to Chronic Low Back Pain in a Community-Based Cohort Journal of Pain, 11 Oct 2024
- Kent Y Feng, Sarah A Short, Sohrab Saeb, Megan K Carroll, Christoph B Olivier, Edgar P Simard, Susan Swope, Donna Williams, Julie Eckstrand, Neha Pagidipati, Svati H Shah, Adrian F Hernandez, Kenneth W Mahaffey; Resting Heart Rate and Associations With Clinical Measures From the Project Baseline Health Study: Observational Study Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20 Dec 2024
Carolyn Gigot, Nora Pisanic, Kate Kruczynski, Magdielis Gregory Rivera, Kristoffer Spicer, Kathleen M. Kurowski, Pranay Randad, Kirsten Koehler, William A. Clarke, Phyla Holmes, D. J. Hall, Jr., Devon Hall, Sr., Christopher D. Heaney; SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Prevalence among Industrial Livestock Operation Workers and Nearby Community Residents, North Carolina, 2021 to 2022 American Society for Microbiology mSphere, 19 Jan 2023
Bunting AM, Schwartz RP, Wu LT, Wahle A, Kline M, Subramaniam G, McNeely J. A Brief Screening and Assessment Tool for Opioid Use in Adults: Results from a Validation Study of the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substances Tool Journal of Addiction Medicine, 04 Feb 2023
Ferrell PD, Oristian KM, Puranam I, Pizzo SV; Serum Pro‐N‐Cadherin Is a Marker of Subclinical Heart Failure in the General Population Journal of the American Heart Association, 09 March 2023
Neighbors CE, Sloane R, Pieper CF, Wixted D, Woods CW, Newby LK.; Mitigation Behavior Prior to COVID-19 Vaccination Availability is Associated with COVID-19 Infection and Time to Vaccination PLoS ONE, 24 March 2023
Sloane R, Pieper CF, Faldowski R, Wixted D, Neighbors CE, Newby LK, Woods CW; COVID-19 Infection Risk Among Previously Uninfected Adults: Development of a Prognostic Model Sage Journals, 27 March 2023
Parker DC, Kraus WE, Whitson HE, Kraus VB, Smith PJ, Cohen HJ, Pieper CF, Faldowski RA, Hall KS, Huebner JL, Ilkayeva OR, Bain JR, Newby LK, Huffman KM; Tryptophan Metabolism and Neurodegeneration: Longitudinal Associations of Kynurenine Pathway Metabolites with Cognitive Performance and Plasma ADRD Biomarkers in the Duke Physical Performance Across the LifeSpan Study Journal of Alzheimer's disease, 5 April 2023
Uchehara B, Coulter Kwee L, Regan J, Chatterjee R, Eckstrand J, Swope S, Gold G, Schaack T, Douglas P, Mettu P, Haddad F, Shore S, Hernandez A, Mahaffey KW, Pagidipati N, Shah SH; Accelerated Epigenetic Aging Is Associated with Multiple Cardiometabolic, Hematologic, and Renal Abnormalities: A Project Baseline Health Substudy Circulation: Genomic and Precision Medicine, 11 April 2023
Johnson CM, D'Eramo Melkus G, Reagan L, Pan W, Amarasekara S, Pereira K, Hassell N, Nowlin S, Vorderstrasse A; Learning in a Virtual Environment to Improve Type 2 Diabetes Outcomes: Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Medical Internet Research: Formative Research, 20 April 2023
Cauwenberghs N, Haddad F, Daubert MA, Chatterjee R, Salerno M, Mega JL, Heidenreich P, Hernandez A, Amsallem M, Kobayashi Y, Mahaffey KW, Shah SH, Bloomfield GS, Kuznetsova T, Douglas PS, Project Baseline Health Study Investigators; Clinical and echocardiographic diversity associated with physical fitness in the Project Baseline Health Study: implications for heart failure staging Journal of Cardiac Failure, 26 April 2023
Lee RH, Bain J, Muehlbauer M, Ilkayeva O, Pieper C, Wixted D, Colón-Emeric C; Metabolic factors associated with incident fracture among older adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a nested case-control study Osteoporosis International, 26 April 2023
Ruan P, Todd JL, Zhao H, Liu Y, Vinisko R, Soellner JF, Schmid R, Kaner RJ, Luckhardt TR, Neely ML, Noth I, Porteous M, Raj R, Safdar Z, Strek ME, Hesslinger C, Palmer SM, Leonard TB, Salisbury ML; Integrative multi-omics analysis reveals novel idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis endotypes associated with disease progression Respiratory Research, 31 May 2023
Popham S, Burq M, Rainaldi EE, Shin S, Dunn J, Kapur R; An Algorithm to Classify Real-World Ambulatory Status from a Wearable Device Using Multimodal and Demographically Diverse Data: Validation Study Journal of Medical Internet Research: Biomedical Engineering, 03 July 2023
Neely ML, Hellkamp AS, Bender S, Todd JL, Liesching T, Luckhardt TR, Oldham JM, Raj R, White ES, Palmer SM; Lung function trajectories in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Respiratory Research, 24 Aug 2023
Neighbors CE, Faldowski RA, Pieper CF, Taylor J, Gaines M, Sloane R, Wixted D, Woods CW, Newby LK; Factors Associated with COVID-19 Vaccination Promptness after Eligibility in a North Carolina Longitudinal Cohort Study, Vaccines special issue: Vaccination Intention against the COVID-19 Pandemic, 26 Oct 2023
Tseng VWS, Tharp JA, Reiter JE, Ferrer W, Hong DS, Doraiswamy PM, Nickels S; Project Baseline Health Study Research Group; Identifying a stable and generalizable factor structure of major depressive disorder across three large longitudinal cohorts Psychiatry Research, 27 Dec 2023
Califf RM, Wong C, Doraiswamy PM, Hong DS, Miller DP, Mega JL, Baseline Study Group; Biological and clinical correlates of the patient health questionnaire-9: exploratory cross-sectional analyses of the Baseline Health Study BMJ Open, 04 Jan 2022
Todd JL, Neely ML, Overton R, Mulder H, Roman J, Lasky JA, de Andrade JA, Gulati M, Huang H, Leonard TB, Hesslinger C, Noth I, Belperio JA, Flaherty KR, Palmer SM; Association of Circulating Proteins with Disease Specific Measures in the Multicenter IPF-PRO Registry Cohort Lung, 23 Jan 2022
Todd JL, Neely ML, Overton R, Mulder H, Roman J, Lasky JA, de Andrade JA, Gulati M, Huang H, Leonard TB, Hesslinger C, Noth I, Belperio JA, Flaherty KR, Palmer SM; Association of Circulating Proteins with Death or Lung Transplant in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in the IPF-PRO Registry Cohort Lung 200, 11–18, Feb 2022
Zhang D, Povysil G, Kobeissy PH, Li Q, Wang B, Amelotte M, Jaouadi H, Newton CA, Maher TM, Molyneaux PL, Noth I, Martinez FJ, Raghu G, Todd JL, Palmer SM, Haefliger C, Platt A, Petrovski S, Garcia JA, Goldstein DB, Garcia CK; Rare and Common Variants in KIF15 Contribute to Genetic Risk of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, April 2022
Swaminathan AC, Hellkamp AS, Neely ML, Bender S, Paoletti L, White ES, Palmer SM, Whelan TPM, Dilling DF; Disparities in Lung Transplant among Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: An Analysis of the IPF-PRO Registry Annals of the American Thoracic Society, June 2022
Chatterjee R, Kwee LC, Pagidipati N, Koweek LH, Mettu PS, Haddad F, Maron DJ, Rodriguez F, Mega JL, Hernandez A, Mahaffey K, Palaniappan L, Shah SH; Multi-dimensional characterization of prediabetes in the Project Baseline Health Study Cardiovascular Diabetology, 18 July 2022
Wixted D, Neighbors CE, Pieper CF, Wu A, Kingsbury C, Register H, Petzoid E, Newby LK, Woods CW; Comparison of a Blood Self-Collection System with Routine Phlebotomy for SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing Diagnostics, 31 July 2022
Califf RM, Wong C, Doraiswamy PM, Hong DS, Miller DP, Mega JL, Baseline Study Group; Importance of Social Determinants in Screening for Depression; Journal of General Internal Medicine Aug 2022
Neighbors CE, Wu AE, Wixted DG, Heidenfelder BL, Kingsbury CA, Register HM, Louzao R, Sloane R, Eckstrand J, Pieper CC, Faldowski RA, Denny TN, Woods CW, Newby LK; The Cabarrus County COVID-19 Prevalence and Immunity (C3PI) Study: design, methods, and baseline characteristics American Journal of Translational Research, 30 Aug 2022
Nunes JC, Carroll MK, Mahaffey KW, Califf RM, Doraiswamy PM, Short S, Shah SH, Swope S, Williams D, Hernandez AF, Hong DS; General Anxiety Disorder-7 Questionnaire as a marker of low socioeconomic status and inequity Journal of Affective Disorders, 15 Nov 2022
Haddad F, Cauwenberghs N, Daubert MA, Kobayashi Y, Bloomfield GS, Fleischman D, Koweek L, Maron DJ, Rodriguez F, Liao YJ, Moneghetti K, Amsallem M, Mega J, Hernandez A, Califf R, Mahaffey KW, Shah SH, Kuznetsova T, Douglas PS, Project Baseline Health Study Investigators; Association of left ventricular diastolic function with coronary artery calcium score: A Project Baseline Health Study Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, Nov-Dec 2022
Giarraputo J, Giamberardino S, Arvai S, Maichle S, Eckstein C, Newby LK, Gregory S. Profiling serum neurofilament light chain and glial fibrillary acidic protein in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 15 May 2021
Vorderstrasse A, Reagan L, D'Eramo Melkus G, Nowlin SY, Birdsall SB, Burd A, Cho YH, Jang M, Johnson C; Recruitment and enrollment of participants in an online diabetes self-management intervention in a virtual environment Contemporary Clinical Trials, June 2021
Sayeed S, Califf R, Green R, Wong C, Mahaffey K, Gambhir SS, Mega J, Patrick-Lake B, Frazier K, Pignone M, Hernandez A, Shah SH, Fan AC, Krüg S, Shaack T, Shore S, Spielman S, Eckstrand J, Wong CA, Project Baseline Health Study Research Group; Return of individual research results: What do participants prefer and expect? PLoS ONE, 29 Jul 2021
Nordeck, C., Gryczynski, J., O’Grady, K., Polak, K., Svikis, D., McNeely, J., Wu, L.T., Schwartz, R. Comparison of timeline follow-back self-report and oral fluid testing to detect substance use in adult primary care patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 22 Feb 2020
Todd, JL; Vinisko, R; Liu, Y; Neely, ML; Overton, R; Flaherty, KR; Noth, I; Newby, LK; Lasky, JA; Olman, MA; Hesslinger, C; Leonard, TB; Palmer, SM; Belperio, JA; & IPF-PRO Registry investigators. Circulating matrix metalloproteinases and tissue metalloproteinase inhibitors in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the multicenter IPF-PRO Registry cohort. BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 14 March 2020
Penning, ML; Blach, C; Walden, A; Wang, P; Donovan, KM; Garza, MY; Wang, Z; Frund, J; Syed, S; Syed, M; Del Fiol, G; Newby, LK; Pieper, C; Zozus, M. Near Real Time EHR Data Utilization in a Clinical Study. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 16 June 2020
Walden A, Garvin L, Smerek M, Johnson C. User-centered design principles in the development of clinical research tools. Society for Clinical Trials, 20 Aug 2020
Douglas TD, Newby LK, Eckstrand J, Wixted D, Singh RH. Lipid changes in the metabolome of a single case study with maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) after five days of improved diet adherence of controlled branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports, 14 Oct 2020
Harskamp RE, Granger TM, Clare RM, White KR, Lopes RD, Pieper KS, Granger CB, Newgard CB, Shah SH, Newby LK. Peripheral blood metabolite profiles associated with new onset atrial fibrillation. Citation: Am Heart J. 2019 Feb 14;211:54-59.
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Todd JL, Neely ML, Overton R, Durham K, Gulati M, Huang H, Roman J, Newby LK, Flaherty KR, Vinisko R, Liu Y, Roy J, Schmid R, Strobel B, Hesslinger C, Leonard TB, Noth I, Belperio JA, Palmer SM. Peripheral blood proteomic profiling of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis biomarkers in the multicentre IPF-PRO Registry. Citation: Respir Res 20, 227 (2019).
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Adam, A, Schwartz RP, Wu LT, Subramaniam G, Laska E, Sharma G, Mili S, McNeely J. Electronic self-administered screening for substance use in adult primary care patients: feasibility and acceptability of the tobacco, alcohol, prescription medication, and other substance use (myTAPS) screening tool. Citation: Addict Sci Clin Pract. 2019; 14: 39.
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Parker D, Sloane R, Pieper CF, Hall KS, Kraus VB, Kraus WE, Huebner JL, Ilkayeva OR, Bain JR, Newby LK, Cohen HJ, Morey MC. Age-Related Adverse Inflammatory and Metabolic Changes Begin Early in Adulthood, The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, gly121, (May 2018) https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/gly121
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Shah SH, Crosslin DR, Haynes CS, Nelson S, Turer CB, Stevens RD, Muehlbauer MJ, Wenner BR, Bain JR, Laferrere B, Gorroochurn P, Teixeira J, Brantley PJ, Stevens VJ, Hollis JF, Appel LJ, Lien LF, Batch B, Newgard CB, Svetkey LP. Branched Chain Amino Acid Levels are Associated with Improvement in Insulin Resistance with Weight Loss. Diabetologia. 2012 Feb; 55(2):321–30.
Shah SH, Sun J, Stevens RD, Bain JR, Muehlbauer MJ, Pieper KS, Haynes C, Hauser ER, Kraus WE, Granger CB, Newgard CB, Califf RM, Newby LK, for the MURDOCK Horizon 1 Cardiovascular Disease Investigators. Baseline Metabolomic Profiles Predict Cardiovascular Events in Patients at Risk for Coronary Artery Disease. Am Heart J. 2012 May;163(5):844-50.
Shah AA, Craig DM, Sebek JK, Haynes C, Stevens RC, Muehlbauer MJ, Granger CB, Hauser ER, Newby LK, Newgard CB, Kraus WE, Hughes GC, Shah SH. Metabolic Profiles Predict Asverse Events Following Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. J Thoracic Cardiovasc Surg. 2012 Apr; 143(4):873-8.
Need AC, McEvoy JP, Gennarelli M, Heinzen EL, Ge D, Maia JM, Shianna KV, He M, Cirulli ET, Gumbs CE, Zhao Q, Campbell CR, Hong L, Rosenquist P, Putkonen A, Hallikainen T, Repo-Tiihonen E, Tiihonen J, Levy DL, Meltzer HY, Goldstein DB. Exome Sequencing Followed by Large-Scale Genotyping Suggests a Limited Role for Moderately Rare Risk Factors of Strong Effect in Schizophrenia. Am J Hum Genet. 2012 Aug; 91(2):303-312.
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