This pilot program is designed to facilitate novel clinical and translational research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical or population settings. Projects will advance solutions by applying discoveries generated during research in the laboratory, and in preclinical studies in the areas of medicinal chemistry, computational chemistry, High Throughput Screening (HTS) and assay development, in vitro absorption–distribution–metabolism–excretion–toxicity (ADMET) and pharmacology and in vivo pharmacokinetics in clinical or population settings.
The Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (Duke CTSI) is the academic home of the National Institutes of Health’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) pilot funding programs at Duke University, is partnering with RTI International (RTI) to support new inter-institutional collaborative research teams.
Duke CTSI and RTI are interested in the following types of translational research projects that foster collaboration between the two institutions:
Research that generates translational discoveries relevant to human health or disease, regardless of whether the context of the discovery is the laboratory, in animal models or the field.
Research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical or population settings.
Eligibility Requirements
Proposed projects must involve a lead investigator from Duke and a lead investigator from RTI. Proposals by cross-disciplinary new teams of investigators are encouraged. Applicants at each institution must have a full-time faculty appointment and have principal investigator status per the specific institution’s written policy (Duke policy; RTI policy can be found on the RTI intranet).
More than one proposal may be submitted by a Duke Faculty member acting as PI, but the Duke Faculty member is only eligible to receive one award as PI from this funding mechanism during a given funding cycle.
The research activities at each participating institution will be funded by the Duke CTSI and RTI. The Duke CTSI and RTI will fund up to $50,000 per award ($25,000 per institution).
Note for Duke Investigators: This award is internally funded and does not need to be routed through ORA.
Proposal Preparation
A consult with the Duke CTSI team is recommended. Please complete this form to request a consult.
Letter of Intent and Application Procedure
The Letter of Intent (LOI) will be submitted via Duke’s MyResearchProposal online submission system.
View the RFA for full application instructions
For additional information on this funding opportunity, please contact