MURDOCK Biorepository Testimonials

"The MURDOCK Study allowed us to rapidly examine the expression of a protein of interest and its role as a biomarker in cardiovascular disease in a longitudinal manner. While studies of this nature are often prohibitively expensive and time consuming for individual research groups to undertake, the centralized nature of the MURDOCK Study allowed for what would have ordinarily been a 10-year study to be condensed into mere months. The MURDOCK team was efficient to query and curate the databases to identify patients and corresponding samples to facilitate our studies, and the preliminary data has been fruitful and led to ongoing studies into the role of this protein as a biomarker in cardiovascular disease."  

—Paul Ferrell, Director of the Laboratory of Salvatore Pizzo, MD, PhD, Duke Pathology


“As a large and well-characterized community-based cohort, MURDOCK provides an unparalleled opportunity to identify risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Insights gained from MURDOCK will allow us to develop better treatments for this devastating disease.”

—Daniel Parker, MD, Duke assistant professor of medicine specializing in cognitive and physical function in older adults


“The MURDOCK Study played a key role in our research to identify really novel risk factors. Ultimately, this will help us prevent more fractures in patients. The Duke Kannapolis team is hardworking, skilled, and dynamic and was engaged in every part of the study process. I was exceptionally pleased with their management of my project and the quality of their work.”

—Richard Lee, MD, Duke assistant professor of medicine specializing in metabolic bone disease and osteoporosis


”I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that [the samples] are beautifully packed and labeled, which has made this go a lot more smoothly. I appreciate your efforts and communications with the repository!” 

—Janet Huebner, MS, Manager, Biomarker Core Facility 


“Your team’s careful management of sample provenance and control of the chain of custody meet the highest standards in the profession. Analysis of certain metabolites clearly shows that MURDOCK plasmas were processed promptly and with care. We look forward to further collaborations.” 

—James Bain, PhD, Faculty Co-Director, Metabolomics Laboratory, Duke Molecular Physiology Institute 


“This team has driven the success of my study. They have been responsive and proactive during the five-plus years of recruitment.”

—Simon Gregory, PhD, PI MURDOCK Multiple Sclerosis studies


“The team provided substantial value to my five-year NIH proposal by providing recruitment and access to data and analysis.”

—James Davis, MD


“Every grant submission seems to have its moments but working with this group was truly motivating and productive. It was much appreciated when compared to other experiences. Thanks so much to the MURDOCK team!"

—Adam P. Goode, DPT, PhD


“I have had the pleasure of working with the MURDOCK team for over 10 years, and they have consistently been a wonderful partner. We are excited that we have several years of longitudinal data collection on our Health Aging Physical Performance Across the Life Span study (PALS), which we can match with collected biospecimens. Our Duke Pepper Center has lots of investigators willing to collaborate and a central theme of optimizing physical resilience. There are endless possibilities in the data available through the MURDOCK and PALS studies.”

—Miriam C. Morey, PhD, Professor, Department of Medicine, Co-Director, Older Americans Independence (Pepper) Center