Lead human population genomics science to inform personalized approaches to patient care, including genetics/genomics discovery and research on genetic diseases
Build and support population-based cohorts
Expand DukeKannapolis program
Build and leverage OneDukeGen
Facilitate and conduct cutting-edge translational research in genomics and ‘omics discovery
Conduct translational research with a focus on clinically relevant discovery
- Collaborate with investigators outside of CPH to enable their translational research
Facilitate and perform cutting-edge implementation science focused on precision health
Study and integrat genetics, genomics, and other biomarkers into patient care
Use EHR and other health data to support precision health efforts
- Conduct implementation and clinical trials
Facilitate communication and transparency with participant, patients, and communities, and create and maintain strong ties to communities involved in the different research and implementation programs within the center
Leverage the strong community engagement infrastructure within CTSI to conduct community surveys, utilize community advisory boards, and build participant relationships.
- Tackle complex questions around genomics ethics and provide guidance for the ethical conduct of research
Build and implement sustainable genomics and precision health education programs within and outside of Duke.
Create and support training programs at all levels (graduate, medical, post-graduate, clinician, scientist)
Focus on clinically relevant genomics discovery, science, and clinical care
Help build the workforce of tomorrow for genomics discovery and clinical genetics care