Almost one decade after passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, and numerous payment and delivery reforms implemented, accountable care is at an inflection point. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation models have generated a multitude of key learnings related to both successfully designing and participating in value-based care, which commercial payers have leveraged and built on to scale models more broadly. More lives are covered under accountable arrangements than ever before, and many providers have developed deep expertise in accountable care supported by robust investments in core accountable care infrastructure. At the same time, participation in some accountable care models has plateaued, and there is a growing need for both more advanced accountable care arrangements and evidence on the amount and how savings are generated. In partnership with West Health, this conference will host a series of conversations to discuss how to build on success to date and leverage the momentum of new administrative proposals and ongoing discussions in Congress to catalyze participation and accelerate progress.
All are welcome to attend.