Many educational and career development opportunities are offered across our academic ecosystem every day, making it difficult at times to find exactly what you need to advance your professional goals. Drawing from the Duke events calendar, CREDO pulls training activities of particular interest to our research workforce and surfaces them here for convenient review. Below, you will find a regularly updated list of educational and development opportunities addressing a range of topics pertinent to research faculty and staff alike.
These activities are sponsored by offices across Duke that have been identified as key training partners in this domain and that have committed to ensuring their activities are pushed to CREDO. Simply bookmark this page, then check back regularly to see what educational and training opportunities await.
If you are affiliated with North Carolina Central University, please be aware that many of these events are open to you. Peruse the event descriptions to determine any participation restrictions.
Curated Recommendations
Mentor Training Session 2: Equity and Inclusion and Assessing Understanding
Office for Research Mentoring
Mentorship and Research Integrity: Discussions for mentors and mentees
Emily Hazlett, PhD and Jen Gay, PhD
Mentor Training Session 3: Professional Development and Ethical Behavior
Office for Research Mentoring
Mentorship and Research Integrity: Discussions for mentors and mentees
Jen Gay, PhD and Emily Hazlett, PhD
Questionable Research Practices
William Krenzer, PhD and Kelsey Smith, PhD
Much Ado About Peer Review
Emily Hazlett, Ph.D. and William Krenzer, Ph.D.
Mentorship and Research Integrity: Discussions for mentors and mentees
Jen Gay, PhD and Matthew Mehlenbacher, PhD
If your office or group would like to have your training-related events included in this resource, please contact Amanda McMillan (, co-director of CTSI Workforce Development, for more information.
Duke Center for Health Informatics
Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)
Duke Forge
Duke Libraries Center for Data and Visualization Sciences
Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
Duke Office for Institutional Equity
Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI)
Duke ScholarWorks
Learning & Organization Development (L&OD)
Office of Campus Research Development
Office of Physician-Scientist Development (OPSD)
Office of Postdoctoral Services
Office of Regulatory Affairs and Quality
Plus Data Science & Center for Computational Thinking
School of Medicine Faculty Development
School of Medicine Office of Research Mentoring
Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)