Cohort 6 (2024-2026)

Cassandra Dictus, PhDc, MPH, RN
Research project: "Investigating long-term care, systems, and policy to improve quality of life and health equity for older adults and their caregivers"
Allison Taylor, MD, MS
Research projects: "Understanding disparities in diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes for patients with hematologic malignancies from under-represented racial and ethnic backgrounds;" "Developing relevant interventions to address these inequities through community engagement"
Cohort 5 (2023-2025)

Stephanie Hart, PhD, MSN, MA, APRN, NP-C
Research project: "Research aimed at improving access and quality of stroke care by examining and addressing health disparities and social and economic determinants of health"
Ryan Kane, MD, MPH
Research project: "Implementation and assessment of innovative models of equitable clinical care for weight management focused on intensive lifestyle modification and the social determinants of health"
Cohort 4 (2022-2024)

Jeylan Close, MD, FAAP
Research project: "Implementing evidence-based mental health treatments in nontraditional settings, such as schools and primary care, with a focus on increasing overall access and equity in access to mental health care for youth"
Tyra Girdwood, PhD, RN
Research project: "Investigating structural barriers to successful transitions to adult health care in young, vulnerable populations and exploring health policy innovations to enhance transitional care outcomes"
Ceshae Harding, MD
Research project: "Establishing the healthcare infrastructure needed to provide comprehensive care for women of childbearing age"
Gabriela Plasencia, MD, MAS
Research project: "Assessing the impact of community engagement in decreasing health disparities in access to COVID-19 resources and COVID-19 health outcomes"
Carri Polick, PhD, CEN, RN
Research project: "Investigating the impacts of social determinants of health, such as trauma and adversity, on biopsychosocial health outcomes and healthcare service disparities"
Judith Vick, MD, MPH
Research project: "Improving the delivery of goal-concordant care for older adults in the hospital setting"
Cohort 3 (2021-2023)

Kamal Golla, MD, MPH
Co-lead, Bass Connections Project
Research projects: "Developing value-based care redesign pathways for urologic oncology patients;" "Investigating targets for financial toxicity mitigation"
Melissa Harris, PhD, RN
Co-lead, Bass Connections Project
Research project: "Improving the quality of life and care for older adults living with dementia and their family caregivers by examining innovative, non-pharmacologic interventions to better manage challenging symptoms of dementia"
Jennifer May, PhD, ANP-BC, RN
Co-lead, Bass Connections Project
Research project: "Investigating the role of healthcare workers' implicit bias (i.e., prejudice and stereotyping) toward sexual and gender minority older adults in long-term care/ assisted living facilities, health outcomes, and health policy"
Karen Scherr, MD, PhD
Research project: "Examining the use of clinic-community partnerships to empower individuals, families, and communities to improve their health and wellbeing, with a focus on reducing disparities in obesity and obesity-related illness"
Cohort 2 (2020-2022)

Gill Adynski, PhD, MHS, RN
Nursing & Health Policy Analyst, International Council of Nurses
Research project: "PEPFAR Implementing Partner Aid Turnovers Impact on HIV Outcomes"
Melissa Burnside, MD, MHS
Health Equity Consultant
Research projects: "Misinformation and Mistrust as Influences on Health Disparities;" "Partnering with UNC Fam Med + Vanderbilt to provide doula certification to Black Women"
Rachele Lipsky, PhD, PMHNP-BC
Health Services Research Fellow, Houston VA
Research project: "Impact of Traumatic Life Events & Polygenic Risk Scores for Major Depression & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder on Iraq/ Afghanistan Veterans"
Justine Seidenfeld, MD, MHS
EM Physician, Durham VAHCS
Core Investigator, ADAPT Center
Research project: "Results of a Novel National ED Chief Complaint database in the Veterans Affairs Health System"
Yuqi Zhang, MD, MHS
Co-lead, Bass Connections Project
Surgery Resident, Yale
Research project: "Predictors of Hospital Bypass for Rural Residents Seeking Common Elective Surgery"
Cohort 1 (2019-2021)

Sallie Allgood, PhD, RN
Health Services Researcher & Implementation Scientist, Durham VA
Research projects: "Developing a tool kit for primary care practices interested in hiring CHWs;" "Improving care-team dynamics & whole person health"
Dominique Bulgin, PhD, RN
Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Research project: "Piloting Telehealth Personalized Health Planning in Shared Medical Appointments for Sickle Cell Disease"
Marcelo Cerullo, MD, MPH
Surgery Resident, Duke
Research project: "Understanding Variations in Hospital Costs in Support of Value-Based Care Decisions"
Rushina Cholera, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Duke Pediatrics & Population Health
Faculty Fellow, Duke Margolis
Research project: "North Carolina Early Childhood Action Plan: Evidence-based Policy Solutions"