"The Team Science Core delivered two outstanding sessions on Team Science Leadership for the Department of Pediatrics Professional Development Seminar Series. What struck me is how skillfully they were able to weave in and apply important universal leadership concepts into the research and team science setting. From introducing the concept of a lab welcome letter to discussing ways to ensure psychological safety in research teams, their content was data driven but their approach remained pragmatic. They were able to walk our group through the Collaboration Planning Framework to help navigate the challenges that team science can bring when the group is diverse and spanning many disciplines."
- Mara L. Becker, MD, MSCE
Vice Dean for Faculty
Professor of Pediatrics
Duke University School of MedicineScroll down to see detailed descriptions of each tier.
The Team Science Core offers a variety of services that provide an overview of the Science of Team Science and put these principles into practice for clinical research teams.
Learn more about each of the service offerings:
Tier 1: Team Science 101
A customizable overview of the team science landscape.
Choose from one or more of the following topics:
Unique characteristics of team-based research
An introduction to the Science of Team Science field and
evidence base
Key Team Science principles, practices, and terms
CTSI Team Science Core offerings and other resources for research collaborations
Audience: Any
Format: Synchronous virtual or in-person presentation with option to add interactive elements for deeper learning
Duration: 15-60 minutes
Customizability: Medium
Lead time required: Minimum of 1 week
Tier 2: Team Science Success Series
Off-the-shelf workshops covering the fundamentals.
Available topics:
Incentives and challenges for team science
Factors to consider in building and launching a team
Planning for successful collaborations
Leading effective teams
Impact of language, bias, and power dynamics on collaboration success
Audience: Any team or group of individuals working on teams
Duration: 60-90 minutes, single session or series
Format: Synchronous virtual or in-person presentations with emphasis on interactive elements for deeper learning
Customizability: Low
Lead time required: Minimum of 1 week
Tier 3: Team Science Skill-building Workshops
Workshops tailor-made to meet your needs.
Example topics may include (but are not limited to):
Pre-award considerations for team science projects
Developing trust and psychological safety
Addressing issues and resolving conflict
Surfacing and diffusing power dynamics
Team monitoring, reflection, and evaluation
Audience: Any team or group of individuals working on teams
Duration: 60-120 minutes, single session or series
Format: Synchronous virtual or in-person presentations with emphasis on interactive elements for deeper learning
Customizability: High
Lead time required: Minimum of 1 month
Tier 4: Facilitated Planning Retreats for Teams
Collaboration Planning
Devoting time up front to developing approaches for collaborating successfully and navigating conflict so the team can focus completely on the project work.
What to expect:
•Proactively address known issues of collaboration
•Make explicit the systems, processes, and structures for how the team will work together
•Create a living collaboration agreement that can be disseminated and revisited
Audience: Newly formed teams, pre-award teams, teams in transition, sub-teams within a multi-team system
Duration: 90 minutes
Format: Synchronous virtual or in-person structured retreats facilitated by the Team Science Core.
Customizability: High
Lead time required: Minimum of 1 month
Research Prioritization and Planning
Customizable retreats to assist teams with generating innovative research questions and building the scaffolding for high-impact collaborations.
What to Expect:
High-touch service for consensus-making and action planning
Structured 90-minute to multi-day retreat designed around the needs of the team
Trained facilitators ensuring the retreat objective is met during the time allotted.
Audience: Newly formed teams, pre-award teams, teams in transition, teams needing to integrate multiple perspectives
Duration: 90 minutes to multiple days
Format: Synchronous virtual or in-person structured retreats facilitated by trained facilitators in the Team Science Core.
Customizability: High (requires high level of engagement from requestor)
Lead time required: Minimum of 1 month