Center for Equity in Research logo


Elevating, advancing, integrating, and accelerating equitable, inclusive, anti-racist, and anti-biased research.

What We Do

The Center for Equity in Research (EIR) provides infrastructure support for researchers to promote equity, anti-bias and anti-racism across all aspects of the research process and environment. We aim to shift the culture toward proactive and robust planning for diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical and translational science.

Specifically, EIR works in six key focus areas:

  1. Thought Leadership/ Collaboration/ Partnership

  2. Resource Development

  3. Consultation, Education, and Training: Providing consultation and innovative education and training that promote anti-racism, anti-bias, and equity in research.

  4. Special equity initiatives

  5. Capacity Building and Policy Change

  6. Center-led health disparities and health equity research.

EIR Consultation Form

EIR provides consultation services for researchers, research teams, community partners, health system stakeholders, and staff within various CTSA pillars. These one-time sessions offer guidance for proactively integrating equity into specific research, population health, community health, and healthcare quality improvement projects. As an additional service to researchers, consultations may include key material reviews to ensure research documents reflect equity-based values.

Contact Us

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