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Exploring and Addressing Trust and Trustworthiness in Duke Health Care and Research

Project ENTRUST is a collaborative program with Duke Health and the community to enhance trustworthiness in Duke health care and research. The project is part of Duke's strategic priority to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion across the institution.

The two primary goals of Project ENTRUST are to:

  1. Employ a longitudinal mixed-method approach to understanding and remedying factors contributing to mistrust and lack of trustworthiness in health care and medical research at Duke Health.

  2. Develop and assess interventions, practices, and policies, and engage community and patients in solutions that repair mistrust and enhance trustworthiness in health care and research.

To start this process, we need to measure the degree of trust and trustworthiness using the Duke Health Trust Survey, broadly disseminated and accessible for Duke Health patients, employees, and community members.

  • Current evaluation measures of health care, such as The Press Ganey Patient Satisfaction scores, fail to precisely capture quality, trust, and trustworthiness in health care.
  • We can improve quality of care, trustworthiness, and engagement by collecting actionable data and partnering with advisors in the community and at Duke.
  • Community and patient perspectives and input are vital to developing effective programs that will enhance equity in healthcare and research and reduce health disparities.
  • This work will augment Duke’s efforts to become a responsible, accountable partner in community health equity efforts in Durham.
  • It is critical for Duke Health to be at the forefront of this work nationally.

What: Web-based 7-15 minute survey

  • Offered in English and Spanish
  • Validated multiple choice and open-ended questions

Who:  ~3500 participants

  • Target Populations: 
    • Duke Health patients
    • Durham residents 
    • Durham Community-Based Organizations
    • Duke Employees

How: Surveys will be sent via email, flyers with QR code, social media, and at community events

Learn more about the Duke Health Trust and Trustworthiness Survey

  • Understand trends of mistrust and trustworthiness of Duke Health care and medical research over time.
  • Use findings, along with focus groups and key stakeholder interviews, to inform the development of interventions and changes in policy and practice to address factors that influence trustworthiness in healthcare and research.
  • Engage our networks of community and patient advisors to provide insights on findings, key strategic planning, and next steps.  
  • Duke Health hosted community town hall meetings to share interpretation of findings and develop recommendations throughout summer and fall 2023.
  • The recommendations were submitted to Duke Health leadership in 2024.
  • Solutions to improve trust and trustworthiness are being incorporated into Duke Health’s strategic plan.
  • The iterative process is to repeat every five years to produce actionable data.