Through a generous grant from Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) OS-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund (OS-PCORTF), the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) is pleased to announce the inclusion of de-identified linked CMS Medicare data to the existing 19 billion rows of mortality, viral variant, and clinical data in the Enclave. The addition of CMS Medicare data is an exponential leap in the scientific potential of N3C. The collaboration not only strengthens the overall capacity of the Enclave, but also resolves the issue of missing visits for patients that get their care from multiple providers. The initial CMS data contains over 240K COVID-19 patients and will be updated monthly. The number of CMS patients represented is dependent on sites participating in the NCATS PPRL linkage initiative, and as additional sites implement the tokenization process, the number of patients will increase. Investigators registered with N3C and whose institutions have signed the NCATS Data Use Agreement will be eligible to submit a Data Use Request project proposal in the Enclave to access the CMS data.