Social Media Careers Speaker Series with Andrei Santalo (T '13) @ LinkedIn

February 3, 2022
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Event sponsored by:

Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative


Rogers, William


Social Media Careers Speaker Series with Andrei Santalo (T '13) LinkedIn, Thursday, February 3 at 12pm ET Register at
Join us for sessions with industry experts who discuss their roles in the rapidly evolving landscape of social media careers. On February 3rd at 12PM ET, Andrei Santalo '13 will discuss his role as Global Head of Community and Creators at LinkedIn. Co-hosted by the Duke Innovation & Entrepreneurship Initiative (I&E), Social Media Studies (SMS), Markets and Management Studies (MMS), and the Duke Entertainment, Media & Arts Network (DEMAN). Open to all. Registration required.

Social Media Careers Speaker Series