What is Research Integrity?

May 21, 2024
9:30 am to 11:00 am

Event sponsored by:

Duke Office of Scientific Integrity (DOSI)
Arts & Sciences (A&S)
Graduate School
Office for Research and Innovation
Office of Research Administration (ORA)
Office of Research Support (ORS)
School of Medicine (SOM)
School of Nursing (SON)





Emily Hazlett and Jenny Ariansen

REGISTRATION: Click Here Registration closes 24 hours before event start. If your availability changes please email asist@duke.edu to update your registration. Tired of zoom rooms and online trainings? Join us in-person for our first Research Integrity Talking Circle! This new event format is being tested out to bring researchers across backgrounds and experience levels together to explore the intersection of research culture and research integrity. We will be meeting in-person on May 21st 9:30a-11a to discuss and explore the question "What is Research Integrity?" in a structured talking circle. Participants will be asked to listen in the circle. All participants will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, stories, and perspectives. We will gather in the Breedlove Conference Room on the third floor of the Rubenstein Library. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Due to the nature of the talking circle, participants will not be able to join the event once the circle has begun. This event has limited capacity. Please only RSVP if you are confident that you will be able to arrive on time and stay for the entirety of this in-person event. If you are not sure about your availability or if registration is full, please join our waiting list instead. Participation in this event fulfills the RCR-200 requirement for Faculty and Staff and the 714 RCR credit for graduate students. Contact: ASIST asist@duke.edu

Research Integrity Talking Circles