What is the value of the p-value? A panel discussion on the use and misuse of the p-value in health research

April 26, 2022
1:00 pm to 2:15 pm

Event sponsored by:

Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI)
School of Medicine (SOM)


Krista Lloyd


workshop flyer
The debate over the value and interpretation of p-value has endured since the time of its inception nearly 100 years ago. The use and interpretation of p-values vary by a host factors, especially by discipline. These differences have proven to be a barrier when developing and implementing boundary crossing clinical and translational science. The purpose of this panel discussion is to discuss misconceptions, debates, and alternatives to the p-value. This event is co-sponsored by UNC TraCS, Duke University and Wake Forest U CTSA Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) Cores. Registration is required. Presenters: Charles Poole, ScD (Associate Professor of Epidemiology, UNC) Lucy D'Agostino, PhD (Assistant Professor of Statistics, Wake Forest University) Charles Scales, PhD (Associate Professor of Surgery, Duke University) Facilitator: Marcella Boynton, PhD (Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine, UNC/NC TraCS)