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As the associate director of the Duke Clinical Data Research Networks (CDRN) Program, Janis Curtis is responsible for establishing the operational policies and processes needed at Duke to respond to requests for clinical data and for co-investigators to support multi-site clinical research studies. In collaboration with ACE-Research in Duke Health Technology Services (DHTS), Janis oversees the maintenance of the technical infrastructure underpinning the Duke CDRN Program.
Janis began working at Duke in 1991 and has held a variety of senior IT management and leadership positions. These have included business relationship management executive for outpatient services and associate CIO for entity support, where she was responsible for IT operations at Duke Regional Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital, Duke Home Care and Hospice, and the Duke Primary Care.
As a Duke representative, she has served on several state committees related to health information exchange governance and the development of HIT strategic plan. Before joining the Duke executive management team, she was the deputy commissioner and executive director for the NC Medical Database Commission. She currently serves on the HIMSS Health Analytics Advisory Board and served as chair of the Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Davies Enterprise Committee for five years. In 2013, she received the HIMSS John A. Page Outstanding Service Award. She has served on the North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance (NCHICA) Board of Directors and on several NCHICA committees.