Duke recently kicked off the third year of the Project Baseline Health Study, reaching the midpoint of the study as Duke CTSI sites in Durham and Kannapolis began welcoming back participants for their third on-site visit.
Dr. Svati H. Shah, principal investigator for the Duke site, thanked everyone who made this milestone possible. She offered special thanks to friends and partners at DCRI for a remarkable, ongoing collaboration. The Project Baseline Health Study is a unique and groundbreaking initiative between Duke, Stanford, and Verily Life Sciences.
Shah noted that Duke has contributed significant diversity to the study’s cohort — diversity in race, ethnicity, age, gender, and health and disease characteristics. Most importantly, she said, the Duke study team always keeps the participant first and foremost, and at the center of the entire process.
“The Duke Baseline study team has worked tirelessly to deliver a remarkable experience for every single Duke participant. And Duke study leadership has demonstrated an unceasing commitment to excellence and scientific integrity,” Shah said.