We could not do this work without the dedication of thousands of community members who have joined our clinical research studies as volunteer participants. Thank you!
Our participants inspire us every day. Here are participants in our COVID-19 research study, sharing why they are committed not only to COVID research, but also to clinical research.
Giving Back
We also love giving back to our community. From conducting service events to hosting the Duke Dash 5K, and from launching our Volunteer Registry to providing health education, we believe that engaging and supporting our community is part of the Duke Kannapolis mission. Have an idea for a service project? Let us know! Contact us at transpop@duke.edu
North Carolina Research Campus
Duke Kannapolis is located on the North Carolina Research Campus, a 350-acre research hub just north of Charlotte. This scientific community works collaboratively to empower human health through nutrition and clinical research. Eight universities, a community college, the David H. Murdock Research Institute, and private companies focus on healthy foods and clinical research. View all studies currently enrolling on the campus. View a map of the campus.
Community Partners
The success of Duke Kannapolis research correlates directly to the engagement of community partners and their active support of our health projects. Cooperation with local organizations and community leaders is vital to the continued success and advancement of our studies. We are grateful to our many partner community organizations, which cover a wide area of social interests including education, healthcare, nutrition and fitness.
Visit the websites for our community partners to learn about health, wellness, and local events.
We’re in the news! Read the latest about our work.