Duke CTSA TL1 Program

The Duke CTSA TL1 Program provides individualized training through mentored research, didactic training, and professional development curricula. It comprises 2 programs: a two-year master’s program in clinical research for medical students, and a postdoctoral program supporting research training for outstanding junior scientists.

Annually, the MD/MHS program selects 3-4 Duke medical students interested in rigorous clinical research training. The post-doctoral program welcomes applications from several Schools at Duke, including Medicine, Nursing, and Bio-medical Engineering. We prioritize applicants looking to broaden their training to include a new category of research methodology.

In addition to these two training programs, the Duke CTSA TL1 pre-doctoral scholarship program offers clinical and translational research experience and training for predoctoral students in medicine. The scholarship’s provision of research training enhances programs designed to expose students to clinical and translational research earlier in their careers.


Director, CTSA TL1 Program
Co-PI, BIGGER Program
CTSI KL2 and TL1 Administrative Coordinator