About DSMM


The program comprises four tracks based on strengths at the Duke School of Medicine.

The DSMM tracks are:

  • Infectious Diseases 

  • Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Cardiovascular Disease 

  • Neuroscience 

  • Oncology and Regenerative Medicine 

The time commitment for each track is approximately 6–8 hours per month, to include:

  • Approximately 4 hours of a clinical shadowing experience

  • 2–3 hours of clinical conferences and/or journal clubs

Additional periodic experiences include:

  • Specialty clinical exposure 2–4 times per year, each for approximately 1-1.5 hours. These may include clinical laboratories, clinical diagnostic centers, and diagnostic laboratories. The specific experiences are customized to each track.

  • Thinking Translationally presentations for 2–3 sessions per year, one each academic term. The sessions will each last approximately 1.5 hours.

The program provides a high-impact experience with a modest time commitment to dramatically enhance each trainee's laboratory experiences without detracting from their primary research mission. Therefore, the program does not provide additional financial support.

2024-2025 Applications Deadline Extended: June 17, 2024

Review the DSMM Program Flyer | Access the Application